Student Catalog

Hondros College of Nursing is committed to providing educational services to students with disabilities as required by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990 and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (both as amended).

Hondros College of Nursing will provide reasonable accommodations for qualified students with disabilities. To be eligible for a reasonable accommodation (or academic adjustment), the student must have:

  1. A disability (as defined by applicable law) that substantially limits a major life activity and subsequently necessitates an accommodation;
  2. Documentation on file with Hondros College of Nursing that supports the need for the requested documentation; and
  3. Medical documentation that substantiates the disability and how the accommodation will assist the student.

Qualified students with disabilities seeking reasonable accommodations are responsible for initiating contact with the Medical Assisting Program Coordinator or the Campus Dean/Director of Nursing or designee to request an appropriate reasonable accommodation. Essential program outcomes, course objectives, and/or skill competency achievement standards cannot be substantially lowered, waived or otherwise modified as accommodations. Any modifications in the manner in which a course, lab, and/or clinical is conducted are restricted to changes in the format of instruction or evaluation. Such modifications must not substantially lower the essential academic standards or modify basic content of the course, lab, and/or clinical.

No accommodations may be made prior to the notification of disability and the submission of documentation. Students must identify themselves to the Medical Assisting Program Coordinator or the Campus Dean/Director of Nursing or designee and provide the required documentation at least 30 days in advance of the start of the accommodation being requested. It is the student’s responsibility to ensure that documentation meeting the published requirements is submitted 30 days prior to the start of the accommodation(s).

If the accommodations provided are not meeting the student’s needs, it is the student’s responsibility to notify the Medical Assisting Program Coordinator or the Campus Dean/Director of Nursing or designee as soon as possible.