Student Catalog

Safety and Emergency Procedures

Safety and security of students, faculty, and staff is a top priority. When an emergency situation arises, students are expected to fully cooperate. The following information should be used as a guide to emergency best practices:

If a problem appears to be life threatening or could cause immediate damage to the property, please contact the police or fire department immediately by dialing 911 from a cellular phone, or by dialing 0-1-911 from an on-campus phone. Report the incident to the Campus Executive Director, administrator, or faculty member immediately.

Building Safety

  • If the building requires evacuation, all persons will evacuate the building in a quick and orderly manner. No persons will be allowed re-entry until administrators or emergency personnel give the all-clear.
  • Outside doors must remain closed and at no time should be propped open.

Personal Safety

  • Do not bring valuables to clinical area. Lock belongings in the trunk of your car, out of clear view.
  • Do not leave personal belongings in an unsecured place. All unattended belongings will be taken to the Campus Executive Director’s office and inspected to identify the owner.
  • Notify campus personnel of any accident, theft, or injury in order to complete an incident report.
  • Request an escort to parking after hours or after dark.
  • Report suspicious persons to security, faculty, or campus personnel.

Weather Emergencies

In the event of a tornado warning, all persons will proceed to the following areas in a quick and orderly fashion:

  • Under stairwells.
  • Interior corridors.
  • Interior rooms of any campus facility.

Student Injury or Illness

Students are responsible for all expenses that occur due to an injury, accident, or illness at either the campus or the clinical site. The College is not responsible for any medical expenses. If a student becomes ill during class or while in the lab, it is the responsibility of the faculty member to assess the illness, and together with the student, determine an appropriate course of action. In the event that the student does not feel he or she can remain in class, he or she should seek treatment from a physician. The College reserves the right to request documentation of the doctor’s visit.

If a student becomes ill during an exam or skills check-off, the student shall notify the faculty member proctoring the exam. In case of injury or exposure to infection, the student must follow the agency’s protocols. If emergency treatment is needed, the student may elect to go to the emergency room for treatment, or to their own healthcare provider.

Students who become ill during clinical experiences must report to the clinical instructor immediately. All agency policies related to student illness, accident, or injury will be followed. Students will be able to see the healthcare provider of their choice, as the College does not provide a campus health center.

Infestation Policy

Students must be aware of the growing community health concern of infestations. If the student observes any type of parasitic pest in a clinical setting, he or she must immediately notify his or her clinical faculty. Students will remain at the clinical site and follow the facility’s procedure for infestation treatment unless the clinical facility requests the students leave the facility. Students need to notify the Campus Executive Director, the Medical Assisting Coordinator or the Campus Dean/Director of Nursing if any parasitic pests are observed while on campus. The College will take appropriate measures to treat the infestation. The College is not responsible for any student expenses incurred from any exposure to an infestation outbreak during clinical or on campus.

Crime Awareness

The following information is provided and updated annually as directed by the U. S. Department of Education through Public Law 101-542, the “Criminal Awareness and Campus Security Act of 1990.”

Reporting of Criminal Incident

The College strives to provide a safe and secure campus for all students and staff members. All students and staff members are encouraged to report any and all suspicious campus activity immediately upon witnessing the occurrence. Any knowledge of a criminal or suspicious nature should be reported to the Campus Executive Director; the College will then take appropriate action based upon the information given. When deemed appropriate, local law enforcement authorities will also be notified.

Campus Security Procedures

The Hondros College of Nursing emergency management guide can be found on the Student Portal and the Hondros College of Nursing website. The campus security procedures and crime statistics are published annually. These can be found online at