What made you decide to pursue nursing as a career?
Elliott: I want a career I love so much I forget to retire. Becoming a nurse will allow me to help my community, practice leadership skills, and encounter new things all while earning an honest wage.
Jimeka: I absolutely love helping people and assisting others to feel joy and happiness. This makes my heart smile.
What made you decide to attend Hondros College of Nursing?
Elliott: In my opinion, Hondros College of Nursing is the “crème de la crème” of nursing schools in Ohio. Hondros has a knowledgeable and approachable staff determined to provide their students with the tools they need for success.
Jimeka: I’m currently an STNA and I work with a lot of nurses. I asked around for ideal schools and was told on several occasions Hondros was an amazing school. They have excellent professors and an all-around great staff.
What advice would you give someone who is thinking about starting nursing school?
Elliott: I would love to give an inspirational answer, like “Once more unto the breach, dear friends” but sadly there isn’t a quote or a cliche that can prepare you for nursing school. Some have the desire, but unfortunately not the skills. Some have the skills, but not the desire. The majority have neither the necessary skills nor the desire to become a nurse and very few have both. Which one are you?
Jimeka: I would say go for it give it your all and don’t be afraid of failure, with hard work, it’s only a trampoline to success.
Elliott and Jimeka Groover are students in the Practical Nursing Program at our Independence campus.