I joined the U.S. Army in 2003 because of 9/11. After serving 14 years, I was medically discharged in 2017. I kept thinking about what my next steps would be. I was a truck driver in the Army, but my passion is in healthcare. I figured if I became a phlebotomist, I would be able to start somewhere within healthcare and begin learning the ropes of this field. I became certified in October of 2017; however I could not find employment. In 2018 I went to school for medical assisting. I eventually received my Associates of Science in Medical Assisting in 2019.
When I still could not find work, my neighbor's father suggested a rehabilitation hospital. I worked there for 19 months. This hospital focused on helping patients recover from strokes, brain injuries, and spinal cord injuries. I loved it there. I made so many connections to my patients. Since this was during the pandemic, we had a lot of patients recovering from COVID as well. I felt like I was living my true calling.
I have seen bedridden patients resume walking, quadriplegic patients start to care for themselves, patients coming off the tracheostomy, and so much more. Having the responsibility to ensure that a patient is truly cared for, kept safe, and healthy is displaying the utmost respect for their life. This is what I value most. I have always told my patients that I go where I am needed. I want to be the best nurse that I can be for my patients.
I enrolled at Hondros College of Nursing because it is within 10 minutes of where I work and live. Additionally, the instructors are amazing and there is tutoring available. Everyone at Hondros College of Nursing truly wants the students to succeed. I will be continuing my education for the RN program after I graduate from the LPN program.
Lisa Wasinski is a student in the Practical Nursing Program at our Independence campus. She currently works at Vista Springs Ravinia.